art by jeffrey donato

walk a little ways with me

Who played your game and played it well?
Who walked a tightrope over hell?
Who reached to catch you when you fell?
Who broke their heart to break your spell?

Who rolled the ball for all your wins?
Who took the fall for all your sins?
Who never blocked your outs and ins?
Who rocked your world off its pins?

Who sang your praises through this town?
Who played the fool, who played the clown?
Who takes the cake, who gets the crown?
Don’t look me up on your way down.
You must be you and I’ll be me
Your side’s the only side you see
Don’t talk before I set you free
Just walk a little ways . . . with me

Who paid the piper to belong?
Who should have seen it all along?
Who’s going to dedicate this song
To all the times you did me wrong?

You burned the bridges when I quit
You turned the lights out that I lit
I roam the darkness of our split
We’ll find our way now bit-by-bit

Who thanked the devil for his time?
Who banked a joker’s only dime?
Who took the risk, who did the crime?
Who made the lonely, lonely climb?
You must be you and I’ll be me
We’ll just agree to disagree
Don’t talk before I set you free
Just walk a little ways . . . with me

lyrics: Jean James
music: Mary James & Jean James


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